Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Hillary Clinton on Social Issues- Ava B.

      Hillary Clinton is one of the candidate's most in touch with the needs of everyday people. One issue she has been consistently fighting for in the history of her career is the establishment of affordable health care for all. As her website states, "affordable health care is a basic human right" and every person- rich, middle class, or poorest of the poor- should have the opportunity to access it without trouble (https://www.hillaryclinton.com). While Clinton was First Lady of the United States some of the ways she worked to achieve affordable health care include being a driving force behind the foundation of the Children's Health Insurance Program that provides coverage to eight billion kids, as well as by pushing the Bush Administration to grant $20 billion in funds for meeting the medical care needs of first responders to the 9/11 terrorist attacks (www.hillaryclinton.com) . Through her proactivity, Clinton demonstrates the understanding of the problems Americans can encounter based off of socio-economic status and the need to ease those problems with affordable health care.
     Another continuous stance Hillary Clinton has taken to meet the needs of our society by doing what she believes would improve safety is having the government tighten up on gun control. Back in 2008 when she was running for President first she stated: "I respect the Second Amendment. I respect the rights of lawful gun owners to own guns, to use their guns, but I also believe that most lawful gun owners whom I have spoken with for many years across our country also want to be sure that we keep those guns out of the wrong hands. And as president, I will work to try to bridge this divide, which I think has been polarizing and, frankly, doesn’t reflect the common sense of the American people. We will strike the right balance to protect the constitutional right but to give people the feeling & the reality that they will be protected from guns in the wrong hands" (2008 Philadelphia primary debate). Today she still feels the same; the goal is to let the government set in place more restrictions to get gun licenses and buy guns so that law abiding, good citizens can possess guns but crazy or violent people will not. All in all Hillary's stance on both of these issues show her connection to the general public that does not compare to the other candidates in the race.

Social Issues- Chelsea Filippi

Issue #1- College Tuition

a. Hillary Clinton feels that colleges and universities should be accountable to control tuition so everyone can afford it and leave college with some type of degree. Another view is that she wants to make community colleges free. She also will encourage families who have issues affording the tuition to come up with some kind of contribution in order to pay.
b. I do agree with Hillary's ideas about college tuition because there are families who have issues affording college tuition for their kids. By working with colleges and universities all across the country, Hillary could help make all colleges and universities affordable for all citizens who want to go to college and earn a degree.
c. I feel like this factor would not be a deciding factor for my vote, but I feel that this is a very good idea for people in the United States who can't afford to go to college and want a degree.

Issue #2- Healthcare

a. Hillary wants to spread affordable healthcare all across America for everyone. She kept fighting for a healthcare reform when Congress denied it. Without her, the Children's Healthcare Insurance Program would not be around. Also, according to hillaryclinton.com, after 9/11, Hillary pushed "for $20 billion for recovery and to address health care needs of first responders who suffered lasting health effects from their time at Ground Zero." She wants to lower the cost of prescription drugs and out-of-pocket costs like copays.
b. I agree with this idea because I feel that healthcare is a serious issue in the United States and I feel that it is crucial to lower important things such as prescription drugs because it is sometimes difficult for people to afford them.
c. I feel like this is a factor that would be a deciding factor because healthcare is a serious issue that affects millions of people across the United States, and that some sort of action should be taken to enhance this issue.

Source: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/ 

Social Issues-Chris Ortiz

College Tuition
Hillary Clinton is offering a plan for paying for college without needing loans. She is advocating for a virtually debt-free college experience. Her proposal would cost $350 billion over a 10 year span and it would allow students to go through college without the fear of overwhelming college debt. As stated by Robert Shireman, “The compact proposed by Hillary Clinton is a strong starting point for a discussion that zeros in on the issues that are in the public mind and have been raised by leaders in both parties: accountability, outcomes, college costs, and manageable loan repayment.”

Hillary Clinton wants families to be more involved in their children's lives in addition to a better school system. She once said, "I want a partnership among families and students, schools and teachers and our government. Our families have to be their child’s first school & every parent has to understand they are their child’s first teacher. And we need to help parents do that job. That’s why I started Early Head Start. That’s why I expanded Head Start when I was first lady. That’s why I want to have universal free kindergarten for every single four-year-old, because if we give that opportunity, they will stay in school longer & they will do better." (http://www.ontheissues.org/Archive/2007_NAACP_Primary_Hillary_Clinton.htm) She also wants more teachers to be hired for the betterment of learning, as stated, "We’re facing a critical teacher shortage-we’re going to have to recruit more teachers. But I agree with the NEA president that there’s not only a teacher shortage, there’s a respect shortage and a salary shortage as well. There is no way in today’s complicated, information-overdrive world that we’re going to get and keep those in the teaching profession to carry on the tradition of public education, unless [they] receive the salaries that [their] important work deserves. We’re going to have to recruit more teachers. I agree with the President’s proposal that we expand the already successful Troops to Teachers program." (http://www.ontheissues.org/Archive/2007_NAACP_Primary_Hillary_Clinton.htm) Clinton advocates for a school environment where students are given all the resources they need to have a good future.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Social Issues-Noah S.

Hillary Clinton wants families to not be in debt due to college tuition. Loans as we all know are extremely expensive. Clinton does not propose to end all of college tuition costs, but wishes to lower them. Families might still have to take out loans, however over the next ten years, according to the New York Times Clinton says "the government needs to spend at least 350 billion dollars in taxes towards costs."  Mrs. Clinton believes these taxes should go to the upper class. On top of this, 175 million dollars will go out to states for colleges grants. This sounds like a good plan, but does not seem like a fair and efficient way to pay for colleges. I may want free college tuition, but wealthy should not be taxed because of it.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Hillary Clinton on Groups and their Rights- Ava B.

     One of the major groups in American society that is taking a stand to make demands known is our vast Latino population: they are calling for immigration reform. They want to be able to come to the United States for better work and a better life without having to feel like they are "second-class status" as Hillary Clinton called it. With that being said, clearly Clinton does wish to meet their needs with immigration reform in which a "pathway to citizenship" is established for law abiding immigrant families and "extend protections against deportation to the parents of Dreamers, the young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children" (huffingtonpost.com). Hillary and the Latino population here in America have long had a relationship of mutual support. Latino voters are happy that she is a candidate recognizing their struggle and fighting against the harsh ideas of deporting all 11 million undocumented immigrants (customary of Donald Trump) and creating a way to become legal citizens of the country or at least keep loved ones in the United States, whether it be the voters' parents, grandparents, or even children. I agree with Hillary Clinton's plan to help Latinos through immigration reform because I think that the Latino population works hard in jobs that do not generally make a lot of money but fuel major moneymaking industries in our society and economy so they should be able to eventually become citizens, too.

Monday, November 9, 2015

LGBTQ- Clinton (Chelsea)

1) The LGBTQ is a group that believes in equal rights for lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgenders and queers. LGBTQ works hard to fight for rights for equal rights for people who tend to be different based on sexuality. Even though the Supreme Court passed a law that states that gay marriage is equal throughout the United States, people who are gay are still being criticized and abused for being who they are. They are trying to advocate laws that will protect everyone's rights and dignity.

2) Hillary Clinton does have plan for the LGBTQ. She plans on continuing to fight for equality for all. She helped push for the Supreme Court to rule for gay marriage all over the country, but knows that she must continue to fight to eradicate discrimination that the LGBTQ faces everyday. She also supports the Equality Act, which would provide federal equality for every LGBTQ American.

3) I agree with my candidate's plan because I feel that everyone should have equal rights no matter what one's sexuality is. No one should be discriminated because they like someone who is the same sex or if they are trangender.

Muslims-Hillary (iman)

Islam is known to be the world fastest growing religion. It will leap from 1.6 billion (in 2010) to 2.76 billion by 2050, according to the Pew study. At that time, Muslims will make up nearly one-third of the world's total population of about 9 billion people. Although this is the world's fastest growing faith, it is discriminated against, especially in America, post 9/11/ 2001. Due to the terrorist attack of 9/11 in New York City, a specific hatred had spread for Muslims all around the world. Till this very day, Muslim-Americans of all ages and races report about experiencing suspicion and discrimination such as my family, my friends, and myself. Muslims are being stopped at airports, they are closely watched by the FBI and CIA, and experience many hardships of discrimination. This is an issue that is under-looked and awareness needs to be made. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton does not have any perspective on this issue. 

Latino/a Rights- Noah S.

            Hillary Clinton wants the latino/a population to feel comfortable in the United States. Clinton believes immigrants and minorities play a big role in the economy. According to www.usatoday.com, she won the crowd over at The U.S Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Clinton really connected with the audience when she said this "Latinos and Latinas, you’re not strangers, you're not intruders," she said at an outdoor pavilion. "You're our neighbors, our friends, our families. Because you are fellow Americans, you deserve an equal shot and opportunity, just like everybody else." Hillary's plan as president is to not deport immigrants and pass a comprehensive reform. "Without immigrants, the United States would be less strong, less prosperous, and far less interesting," she said to the roar of the crowd. I agree with Clinton on this topic because ever since immigration came to be, the economy of America flourished. Minorities should get the same opportunities as the everyday citizen. Those who complain about immigrants "taking their jobs" are usually the ones that complain about doing the job. As long as there is some type of equal balance between citizens and immigrants, I believe this is a simple yet well developed plan.

Latino/a Rights-Chris Ortiz

         The Latino community has a very clear goal as people in the U.S., to gain citizenship. Hillary Clinton wants immigrants, who are of Latin decent for the most part, to feel at home within U.S. society. She wants them to feel safe and be cooperative with the government. She is advocating a pathway to citizenship in addition to conducting "humane, common-sense enforcement." Clinton also wants to completely reform the immigration process, stated on her website, "Congress must pass comprehensive immigration reform that provides a path to citizenship, treats every person with dignity, upholds the rule of law, protects our borders and national security, and brings millions of hardworking people into the formal economy." I agree with Clinton's viewpoint completely. I believe that those who help support our country should be allowed to become legal and it shouldn't be a grueling process for them either.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Immigration Reforms-Iman

1) The New York Times Article "Immigrants Bolster Academic and Civic Engagement in the U.S." is a pro-immigration article written by Anne-Marie Nunez. She advocates that immigrant students are a beneficial factor to this country's economy and economic status. She argues that although immigrants have a limited, if any, effect on job growth for native-born U.S. workers, they do add to the economy greatly. She discovered that first-generation immigrant students enrolled in four-year colleges or universities are actually more likely than other students to finish their bachelor’s degrees within six years. She also found out that undocumented immigrant students in both K-12 and college demonstrate significant academic engagement in their studies and civic involvement. They often serve as leaders in their schools.

Immigration Reform-Chris Ortiz

1) The author of a NY Times article I read, Anne-Marie Nuñez, was pro-immigrant in her approach to immigration as whole. She made it very clear that immigrants actually bolster, or improve, the economy. As written by Nuñez, "In some of the nation’s largest cities, including New York and Los Angeles, immigrant residents who are members of the work force account for a significant amount of economic productivity." She advocates
immigration because of its positive effect on the United States as a whole.

2) Marco Rubio has completely flipped his initial view about immigration recently. Originally, he advocated an immigration reform plan to help kids whose parents were illegal immigrants, legal. Now Rubio has changed his plan to deport kids whose parents are illegal immigrants, which is the complete opposite. His plan is to make sure that all immigrants are legal before they come to America, or else they will be deported.
3) I am pro-immigration. I believe that people should be given a chance at a better life in the U.S. and they should be allowed to become citizens here without the labyrinth that is the current system. Although, I do believe that if an illegal immigrant commits a felony, they should be deported. As a nation, I believe it's best to take in all the people that want to live here and give them a chance to help our society.

- http://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/rubio-flips-immigration-slams-trump-doing-the-same

- http://www.nytimes.com/roomfordebate/2015/09/03/is-immigration-really-a-problem-in-the-us/immigrants-bolster-academic-and-civic-engagement-in-the-us

Immigration Reform- Ava B.

     Many Americans have posed the anti-immigration argument based on the idea that these undocumented workers take American jobs, but Maria E. Enchautegui of New York Times has a different view: "immigrants are replacing, not displacing U.S. born workers" (www.nytimes.com. Because the emphasis on having a high school diploma and even more so, a college education, is so high in the United States, Enchatuegui argues that immigrant workers are taking the low paying, hard labor jobs that the vast majority of Americans  do not want or need because they are over-qualified. Enchatuegui is pointing out why others cannot blame a lack of Americans with jobs on immigrants' "stealing"of them to help stop hatred against immigrants who need to make better lives for themselves in this country. Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton is on the same page as this writer. Clinton, too, does not have an anti-immigration, pro-deportation attitude; she aims to establish a pathway to citizenship for "law-abiding immigrant families who have enriched America for years" and enforce immigration laws in a more effective, less barbaric manner (www.hillaryclinton.com). As of now there is no pathway to citizenship, or at least no pathway that is simple and not filled with hundreds of obstacles, and this is a huge problem. Over the past centuries when people from all over Europe and the other continents flocked to the United States, they could become citizens if they showed they were productive members of society, and that's the way it should be today. Clearly we do not want criminals and trouble makers coming into our country, but the majority of immigrants arrive to make their own lives or families' lives better than they could ever be in their home country by working or even establishing businesses. I think that a pathway to citizenship is necessary but also beneficial in 2015 because we will have more people paying taxes and investing under documentation into our economy that returns to our federal government to run social programs and improve our community's roads, schools, and more.

Immigration Reform- Chelsea Filippi

1) The News Article that I read from the NY Times strongly supports immigration. The author, Anne-Marie Nuñez, believes that immigrants enhance the economy greatly, She states that, "Given the right educational support, immigrant students can succeed-a boon for the economy. She advocates immigration because she feels that it will help bolster the economy significantly.


2) Hillary Clinton strongly supports immigration. In fact, she feels that the country should establish an immigration system that will offer immigrants a "path to citizenship." Also, Hillary wants to pass reforms that will treat everyone respectfully, uphold the rule of law, and will bring millions of hard-workers to help enhance our economy.

3) I believe that immigration is a great way to help enhance our economy. There should be reforms passed throughout the United that not only give immigrants a path to citizenship, but to give them a better life in our country. With good education, immigrants can be very successful and help bolster our economy up to high standards.

Immigration Reform- Noah S.

           Steven A. Camarota, reporter for The New York Tiimes is advocating that illegal immigrants and legal immigrants are taking the jobs and pay of American citizens. As the job market goes down, lower educated people are competing with illegal immigrants for jobs. Economist George J. Borjas found that immigration reduces the employment of less-educated men. Another study came to the same conclusion.  Clinton said this according to latinpost.com We can't wait any longer for a pathway to full and equal citizenship". Clinton believes immigrants play a big role and contribute to the economy. I believe immigrants should be able to have a pathway to citizenship. I don't believe this process should be fast but they should still be considered people instead of animals. However, jobs should give a primary look at American citizens instead of immigrants. It may cost a little more money to give pay but the company would not be losing profit either way. Not all Americans can be over-qualified because of environmental conditions. Shouldnt' these people be allowed to get some sort of salary.

Monday, November 2, 2015

To Green or Not to Green (Marco Rubio)- Iman A.

Marco Rubio sees a positive future within the energy plan he proposes. He believes that if America harnesses our energy potential in the right way and allows innovations to occur, energy will be affordable for consumers and families, help businesses grow and create jobs, protect our environment, strengthen our national security, and increase our nation's influence around the world. Rubio plans to optimize our country's resources. He plans to rewrite the Obama Administration’s five-year offshore drilling plan, approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, lift the 1970s-Era Ban on Crude Export, expedite approval of american natural gas export, defend U.S. interests in international climate negotiations, and bolster the energy security of U.S. allies. Rubio also wants to stop President Obama’s carbon mandates, expose the true costs of environmental litigation to taxpayers, and simplify and improve the environmental review process. 

Powering the New American Century:

To Green or Not To Green- Ava B.

     Hillary Clinton has big plans in mind if she is to become President of the United States when it comes to changing our energy infrastructure: make acquisition of energy more "safe, reliable, and affordable" (hillaryclinton.com) while also having that energy's quality gradually become completely clean all across North America. Some ways to do so include repairing or replacing old pipelines to reduce methane leakage, improving pipeline regulations, making pacts to cut carbon pollution,  and limiting the amount of exhaust and chemicals that cars and other vehicles can be produced to release. By reducing tax loopholes and establishing a National Infrastructure Bank. and using that money to reward grants to cities or communities that work to reduce toxic chemical emissions and use clean energy, Clinton believes our country can also unlock new investment resources that provide economic opportunity for American companies and workers as well as a healthier, better protected environment. I agree with Clinton that improving the health of environment is very important and that it is something that our federal government should take time to invest in and figure out the problems, but at what cost? If all taxes need to be raised by dramatic amounts, I don't think it would be successful or make our citizens very happy.


To Green or not to Green-Chelsea Filippi

          Hillary Clinton's plans on environmental issues are to have more than half a million solar panels installed and to generate renewable energy to power every house across the United States. She plans to pay for this by establishing a tax consensus. According to Hillary Clinton, "Through these goals, we will increase the amount of installed solar capacity by 700% by 2020, and expand renewable energy to at least a third of all electricity generation." Hillary also wants to set up a Clean Energy Challenge that will form strong relationships with other cities and other communities that want to help improve environmental issues throughout society. I agree with Hillary's plan because I feel that by installing solar panels, it will help set up renewable energy that will help improve our environment and by establishing the Clean Energy Plan, it will reach out to other communities who want to help enhance our environment as well. 

Source: https://www.hillaryclinton.com/issues/climate/

Social Media websites for Hillary Clinton and Marco Rubio

     Hillary Clinton

           Hillary Clinton uses social media as a way to improve her popularity and reach people in an effective way. Her twitter includes mostly videos with relevant captions stating her political stance- some involving snippets of her speeches while others include organizations she supports or the groups of people in the American population (like teachers, for example). Clinton also writes some tweets in Spanish,which demonstrates her outreach to different groups in America. Her twitter is the most convincing of all sites. Clinton's Facebook page has more about organizations she supports rather than her own personal posts or messages as well as videos of celebrities and popular people telling why they approve of her, whereas her Instagram and Snapchat involve herself posed with others like Katy Perry or her doing funny things. Hillary's page really doesn't need improving.

   Marco Rubio

         Marco Rubio's social media sites are less convincing than Hillary Clinton's, and here is why: in general, he fails to make posts that include others or the general public- it's all about him and his views. On twitter, there are not many photos and videos that draw in users. He (or his team of advisors than run his page) only make tweets that involve text or responding to those who both agree and disagree with him. Without photos or videos, a page can be boring. On Facebook, all that was featured were posts about the Republican Debate last night and all of the posts made were by his fans, not his team. With Instagram, he does show more of his connection with others with photos of groups that  he interacts with or supports, but the pictures aren't really interesting. It's also ironic that Rubio, of Cuban immigrants, made no posts in Spanish on any of his social media sites while Clinton had multiple ones. Rubio's pages are not terrible but they need improving- making things more about the people and less about himself.

Clearly, Hillary has our vote based off of her captivating, attention grabbing page.

To Green or Not To Green-Chris Ortiz

Marco Rubio is very pro-business in his approach towards energy. He is trying to optimize America's resources and allow businesses to have freedom with their products. Some of his key points are approving the Keystone XL Pipeline, lifting the 1972 ban on crude exports, expedite approval of American Natural Gas Exports, and bolster the energy securities of U.S. allies. In addition, Rubio wants to simplify and improve the Environmental Review process. Marco Rubio has the best interest of businesses at heart, as shown in his proposal to overhaul the Tax Code and cut taxes for businesses of all sizes. All in all, he makes sure to have big businesses making decisions on their own and wants them to have the freedom to operate at their "full potential".


"To Green or not to Green" - Noah S.

            Hillary Clinton is all for making the environment safer. Clinton proposed as president that she wants to lower emission costs. http://thinkprogress.org/climate/2015/09/23/3704776/hillary-clinton-energy-infrastructure/. "Clinton announced that she would immediately begin negotiations for a North American Climate Compact between the United States, Canada, and Mexico, intended to create strong national targets and accountability mechanisms for emissions reductions in each country". Reducing emissions would ultimately clean the environment and reduce costs for this particular problem. "Clinton’s proposed energy infrastructure upgrades would focus on ensuring that fuels are transported across the country safely — whether by rail or pipeline — and unlocking new investment resources". While this sounds like a great plan, what are the costs of this? "Clinton previously released a detailed plan on combatting climate change and investing in renewable energy, which called for, among other things, the installation of half a billion solar panels by 2021 — a 700 percent increase over current installations". With this many solar panels, taxes would have to be increased dramatically. I like the idea that Hillary is proposing, however I don't think this will get done nor do I want to be charged an incredible amount of taxes to pay for these environmentally friendly methods of energy.

Jobs- Chelsea Filippi

        Marco Rubio wants to create and pass reforms that will renew the county's labor rules and to create new ways to motivate ideas for new jobs. He feels that many people have suffered through ObamaCare, and wants to help workers recover and get back on their feet. Rubio has many ways to reach this goal.

Jobs (Hillary Clinton)-Iman Abdul

               Hillary Clinton plans to create more and better jobs and improve our economy. She plans to invest in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific/medical research. She plans to provide tax relief to working families and small businesses. She plans to enact comprehensive immigrant reform, increase private and public investment, guarantee college affordability and expand job training opportunities. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jobs- Ava B.

     Marco Rubio intends to have more jobs created for our citizens to improve our economy by enhancing the value of higher education to teach our population skills that machines cannot simply do. Rubio believes that "our devices will grow more powerful, bringing new capabilities to the masses." In his opinion, if our country invests in innovating the American higher education system, we can take advantage of the various technological advancements our world has produced and use them to make our jobs more productive, but not allow machines and technology to completely outsource humans' jobs as they have in the past. By having workers with better skills than before utilizing new technologies, we invest in big businesses that support millionaires and billionaires, but at the same time create a "vibrant middle class... through the modernization of our higher education system" (www.marcorubio.com). Although I tend to agree with more Democratic views, I feel that this economic plan seems reasonable and will lift up a struggling middle class. I do think that even aside from creating jobs enhancing higher education is a plus but if it helps our country, even better. The problem I find with Rubio's plan, however, is that it's main points don't really deal with improving the status of the poor, it only focuses on the middle class.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Jobs-Chris Ortiz

Hillary Clinton has a well-thought of view on jobs in America. She believes that there should be no salary increase for Congress until the minimum wage is increased. She also believes that the working poor should make a living salary and it should be tied to Congressional wages. In a vote, she elected that unemployment benefits should be extended from 39 weeks to 59 weeks. Clinton even said that she would accept an increased minimum wage as a president in July of 2007. She makes a stand for unions, argues fair wages for the hard-working citizens of the US, and argues that America can afford to raise the minimum wage. All in all, Clinton works for the people and makes a clear stand on her willingness to help the poor and middle-class.


Jobs- Noah S.

          Marco Rubio is all about moving forward. Many of the points made on https://marcorubio.com/issues/21st-century-jobs-plan/ were brought back to the Industrial Revolution and how even while America was going through a terrible time, many jobs were gained not lost. Rubio believes that the future is all in technology and that children of today must be advanced in this fieldin order for jobs to be gained. "Only through an innovative economy can we translate new technologies into new middle class jobs, and only through a revolutionized higher education system can we equip all our people to fill those jobs." Rubio is looking into the future which is bad for a middle aged person today but good for the next generation.  Rubio also will cut taxes on corporations if they invest more into jobs and higher wages. "My tax plan will also allow immediate, 100% expensing for businesses. This means the more a company invests in creating jobs, the less they owe in taxes; and the more they pay their workers, the less they pay government." I believe his plan is good but has some flaws. We as a nation need to benefit now in job making. The role of the president and the government is to protect and help the people. If you are looking into the future, you aren't helping people today, you are helping future people, therefore not playing your role in government.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Marco Rubio's Tax Plan-Chelsea Filippi

                   Marco Rubio feels that the current tax codes taxes people unfairly by taxing people too much, and he thinks that this affects our welfare system in a negative way by trapping people who are not wealthy in poverty instead of making their lives easier. Rubio plans to enhance this situation by proposing a federal tax-reform that would remove issues with opportunity, change, and growth. Another part of his tax plan is that he wants to reform deductions, especially those that do not evenly  benefit the privileged few at others' expense. According to Rubio, in order to "simplify the structure and lower rates by consolidating the many existing income tax brackets into two simple brackets—15% and 35%." I agree with Marco Rubio's tax plan because I also agree that people are taxed unfairly and that there should be an alternate way to tax people who cannot afford to pay these taxes. I also think that minimizing the number of brackets would be an easier to organize taxes and it would be an easier way to tax less. This is Marco Rubio's Tax Plan and how he is planning to improve the tax plan throughout the country.

  • Rubio, Marco and Mike Lee,  "A New American Century Demands Reforms that will help sSur Growth Where Today’s Tax Code Obstructs it", https://marcorubio.com/issues/tax-reform/, 22 ept 2014, 27 Oct 2015

Hillary Clinton's Tax Plan-Iman Abdul

                            Hillary Clinton plans on increasing middle-class incomes. She plans on raising short-term capital gains taxes for those earning $400,000 or more a year (which are the top 0.5% of taxpayers) and absolutely no tax increase on people earning under $250K (Apr 2008). She believes that investments held between one and two years would be taxed at the maximum income-tax rate of 39.6%. Clinton would also tax high-frequency traders if she wins the 2016 presidential election. 
Hillary will cut taxes for hard-working families to increase their take-home pay as they face rising costs from child care, health care, and sending their kids to college. She is calling for extending a tax cut of up to $2,500 per student to help deal with college costs as part of her New College Compact, and for cutting taxes for businesses that share profitswith their employees.

Taxes- Ava B.

     Senator Marco Rubio intends to create a tax plan that stops businesses and companies "investing in our economy" from being "unfairly penalized," while at the same time end unequal payments of couples with no children versus married couples with children (www.rubio.senate.gov). The goal of Rubio's tax changes are to lower taxes placed on big businesses that propel our country's economy and wealth that support the country's children and with the business incentive of getting tax credit allow for children to not have to choose between working or spending time with their children by receiving paid leave. To do so, this Republican Presidential candidate intends to merge the top corporate tax brackets into two: "a 15% income tax on those individuals making $75,000, and 35% for everyone else" (CNN.com)

Taxes-Noah S.

      Marco Rubio wants to "fix" a broken tax code. He breaks his plan up into two categories, Business taxes and Family taxes. For the individual and families he says "taxes are too high and complicated, we need to make America great for our citizens again. " According to http://www.rubio.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/files/serve/? this plan repeals double taxation and makes it easier on the middle class and not as easy as the upper class. For businesses, he believes that this country thrives on the flow of business production. The way to increase productivity is to increase government spending on corporations and lower their taxes. Based on this plan it seems like he is more of a democratic candidate. If this plan can follow through it seems like a good plan to me. This tax plan is more for the people.

Taxes-Chris Ortiz

Hillary Clinton
            Hillary Clinton's tax plan includes an increased tax on those who make more money. She has proposed a new minimum thirty percent rate on people earning more than $1million. In addition, she has proposed a business tax for profit-sharing and apprenticeships as well as a tax on frequent business transactions. Clinton also is planning on making the American Opportunity Tax Credit permanent. Overall, her plan takes into account the lower and middle class and makes reasonable proposals that wouldn't cripple the upper class.


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Candidate's Experience Ava B.

     Hillary Clinton would be a great representative of the American people because of her family's story, her childhood experiences, and first-hand knowledge of how to run a country or political office. From a very early age, Clinton was interested in preserving social justice and caring for others due to her mother's personal life- an abandoned child who started working to survive at age 14- and witnessing a speech delivered by one of the most powerful orators, Martin Luther King Jr. about America's social issues (hillaryclinton.com). These understandings about the need to fight for others have consistently been important to Hillary Clinton throughout her entire life, and paired with her first hand experience in political office as Secretary of State and Senator of New York, being the First Lady of the United States, and a well-educated lawyer (hillaryclinton.com), Hillary Clinton has all the power to lead our country to bigger and better places. We need a leader in 2016 that will understand the needs of our people while running the government and its departments efficiently and successfully to build the character of an already prosperous nation, and Hillary Clinton has what it takes.

"Hillary's Story" in Bio of hillaryclinton.com

Ava B. 

Candidate's Experience-Iman Abdul

Born May 28th, 1971, Marco Rubio is a presidential candidate for the Presidential election of 2016. Born to Cuban immigrants in Miami, Florida, Marco Rubio sparked as he grew up. He attended South Miami High School, where he was known to be a "stellar athlete". With his athletic skills and abilities, Tarkio College in Missouri granted Rubio a football scholarship. He decided to express his  in public service in which he told the press, "I gained an interest in politics and history from my uncle, who would read books and newspapers out loud to us." He left the school after a year to attend the University of Florida and eventually the University of Miami in 1996.

Candidate's Experiences- Chelsea F.


                   Hillary Clinton is a very intelligent woman who has many ways to tackle problems that occur throughout the United States. She has served as Secretary of State, Senator of New York, and First Lady of the United States. She developed a passion for social justice, and attended Wellesley College for her undergraduate. She then went to Yale Law School, and afterwards worked for a Children's Defense Fund. Here, Hillary learned and wrote about the lack of education for kids with disabilities. According to hillaryclinton.com, "It’s this commitment to public service and fighting for others—especially children and families—that she’s carried all her life." When she first became First Lady in 1992, Hillary led fights to improve our health care system so that all families could afford care that was needed. After 9/11, Hillary pushed George Bush's Administration to reserve $20 billion to help rebuild New York and provide health care for first responders at Ground Zero. Overall, Hillary Clinton is a very strong candidate and she works very hard to not only improve society bug also the issues people face on a day to day basis. 


Candidate Experience-Chris Ortiz

          Marco Rubio is a Cuban man born to Mario and Oria Rubio on May 28th, 1971. His parents were both immigrants from Cuba who were anti-Castro, meaning they were against the revolution that he started. Marco Rubio's parents struggled in the states starting out but found a way to survive despite the odds. Seeing his parent's work ethic inspired him to live a life full of aspirations for the future. He attended South Miami High School, where he was known for his athletic ability and his academic prosperity. After High School, he attended the University of Miami to obtain his law degree. His political career began when he was elected to the West Miami City Commission in 1998. A year later, he was elected in the Florida House of Representatives. After some time in that position, he won his campaign for U.S. Senate in 2009. Currently, he is running for president of the United States as a part of the Republican party.

                                                                                                                       -Chris Ortiz