Thursday, November 5, 2015

Immigration Reform-Chris Ortiz

1) The author of a NY Times article I read, Anne-Marie Nuñez, was pro-immigrant in her approach to immigration as whole. She made it very clear that immigrants actually bolster, or improve, the economy. As written by Nuñez, "In some of the nation’s largest cities, including New York and Los Angeles, immigrant residents who are members of the work force account for a significant amount of economic productivity." She advocates
immigration because of its positive effect on the United States as a whole.

2) Marco Rubio has completely flipped his initial view about immigration recently. Originally, he advocated an immigration reform plan to help kids whose parents were illegal immigrants, legal. Now Rubio has changed his plan to deport kids whose parents are illegal immigrants, which is the complete opposite. His plan is to make sure that all immigrants are legal before they come to America, or else they will be deported.
3) I am pro-immigration. I believe that people should be given a chance at a better life in the U.S. and they should be allowed to become citizens here without the labyrinth that is the current system. Although, I do believe that if an illegal immigrant commits a felony, they should be deported. As a nation, I believe it's best to take in all the people that want to live here and give them a chance to help our society.



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