Monday, November 2, 2015

To Green or Not to Green (Marco Rubio)- Iman A.

Marco Rubio sees a positive future within the energy plan he proposes. He believes that if America harnesses our energy potential in the right way and allows innovations to occur, energy will be affordable for consumers and families, help businesses grow and create jobs, protect our environment, strengthen our national security, and increase our nation's influence around the world. Rubio plans to optimize our country's resources. He plans to rewrite the Obama Administration’s five-year offshore drilling plan, approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, lift the 1970s-Era Ban on Crude Export, expedite approval of american natural gas export, defend U.S. interests in international climate negotiations, and bolster the energy security of U.S. allies. Rubio also wants to stop President Obama’s carbon mandates, expose the true costs of environmental litigation to taxpayers, and simplify and improve the environmental review process. 

Powering the New American Century:

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