Thursday, November 12, 2015

Hillary Clinton on Groups and their Rights- Ava B.

     One of the major groups in American society that is taking a stand to make demands known is our vast Latino population: they are calling for immigration reform. They want to be able to come to the United States for better work and a better life without having to feel like they are "second-class status" as Hillary Clinton called it. With that being said, clearly Clinton does wish to meet their needs with immigration reform in which a "pathway to citizenship" is established for law abiding immigrant families and "extend protections against deportation to the parents of Dreamers, the young undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children" ( Hillary and the Latino population here in America have long had a relationship of mutual support. Latino voters are happy that she is a candidate recognizing their struggle and fighting against the harsh ideas of deporting all 11 million undocumented immigrants (customary of Donald Trump) and creating a way to become legal citizens of the country or at least keep loved ones in the United States, whether it be the voters' parents, grandparents, or even children. I agree with Hillary Clinton's plan to help Latinos through immigration reform because I think that the Latino population works hard in jobs that do not generally make a lot of money but fuel major moneymaking industries in our society and economy so they should be able to eventually become citizens, too.

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