Monday, November 2, 2015

"To Green or not to Green" - Noah S.

            Hillary Clinton is all for making the environment safer. Clinton proposed as president that she wants to lower emission costs. "Clinton announced that she would immediately begin negotiations for a North American Climate Compact between the United States, Canada, and Mexico, intended to create strong national targets and accountability mechanisms for emissions reductions in each country". Reducing emissions would ultimately clean the environment and reduce costs for this particular problem. "Clinton’s proposed energy infrastructure upgrades would focus on ensuring that fuels are transported across the country safely — whether by rail or pipeline — and unlocking new investment resources". While this sounds like a great plan, what are the costs of this? "Clinton previously released a detailed plan on combatting climate change and investing in renewable energy, which called for, among other things, the installation of half a billion solar panels by 2021 — a 700 percent increase over current installations". With this many solar panels, taxes would have to be increased dramatically. I like the idea that Hillary is proposing, however I don't think this will get done nor do I want to be charged an incredible amount of taxes to pay for these environmentally friendly methods of energy.

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