Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Social Issues-Chris Ortiz

College Tuition
Hillary Clinton is offering a plan for paying for college without needing loans. She is advocating for a virtually debt-free college experience. Her proposal would cost $350 billion over a 10 year span and it would allow students to go through college without the fear of overwhelming college debt. As stated by Robert Shireman, “The compact proposed by Hillary Clinton is a strong starting point for a discussion that zeros in on the issues that are in the public mind and have been raised by leaders in both parties: accountability, outcomes, college costs, and manageable loan repayment.”

Hillary Clinton wants families to be more involved in their children's lives in addition to a better school system. She once said, "I want a partnership among families and students, schools and teachers and our government. Our families have to be their child’s first school & every parent has to understand they are their child’s first teacher. And we need to help parents do that job. That’s why I started Early Head Start. That’s why I expanded Head Start when I was first lady. That’s why I want to have universal free kindergarten for every single four-year-old, because if we give that opportunity, they will stay in school longer & they will do better." (http://www.ontheissues.org/Archive/2007_NAACP_Primary_Hillary_Clinton.htm) She also wants more teachers to be hired for the betterment of learning, as stated, "We’re facing a critical teacher shortage-we’re going to have to recruit more teachers. But I agree with the NEA president that there’s not only a teacher shortage, there’s a respect shortage and a salary shortage as well. There is no way in today’s complicated, information-overdrive world that we’re going to get and keep those in the teaching profession to carry on the tradition of public education, unless [they] receive the salaries that [their] important work deserves. We’re going to have to recruit more teachers. I agree with the President’s proposal that we expand the already successful Troops to Teachers program." (http://www.ontheissues.org/Archive/2007_NAACP_Primary_Hillary_Clinton.htm) Clinton advocates for a school environment where students are given all the resources they need to have a good future.

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