Thursday, October 29, 2015

Jobs- Ava B.

     Marco Rubio intends to have more jobs created for our citizens to improve our economy by enhancing the value of higher education to teach our population skills that machines cannot simply do. Rubio believes that "our devices will grow more powerful, bringing new capabilities to the masses." In his opinion, if our country invests in innovating the American higher education system, we can take advantage of the various technological advancements our world has produced and use them to make our jobs more productive, but not allow machines and technology to completely outsource humans' jobs as they have in the past. By having workers with better skills than before utilizing new technologies, we invest in big businesses that support millionaires and billionaires, but at the same time create a "vibrant middle class... through the modernization of our higher education system" ( Although I tend to agree with more Democratic views, I feel that this economic plan seems reasonable and will lift up a struggling middle class. I do think that even aside from creating jobs enhancing higher education is a plus but if it helps our country, even better. The problem I find with Rubio's plan, however, is that it's main points don't really deal with improving the status of the poor, it only focuses on the middle class.

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